Women's Ministry
Similarly to last year, 2021 has been a year of getting use to many new “normals”. Our Church family has experienced some sorrows and successes and through it all, our Women’s Ministries have continued to show our love for God and one another. I’m happy to say that most of our Women remain actively involved.
2021 Review:
- Talk 2 Me-Women’s Ministry: This year our studies focused on one book of the Bible; the book of Revelations. This book is filled with so many truths that our women were eager to understand. The Bible app-Youversion, provided a 13 part lesson titled, The Prophetic Gallery Series”. The Author encouraged us to view Revelation as an Art gallery filled with many wings. They wanted us to take our time and examine each chapter, being mindful to consider: Who authored it; whom it was written for and the history of both the Jewish followers of God and the 1st century church. We learned to cross reference Bible prophecy (Old and New Testament). This series has many present day applications that are so timely to our current world events. Of course there are still symbols and times that we don’t fully comprehend but I believe our women have grown in their faith, knowing that God has always had a plan to restore man and this fallen world. The book of Revelation provides evidence of the unseen spiritual realm and the ongoing war between God and evil. As promised we have been blessed by reading this book, knowing that God has the final victory and that we can too because of our Savior Jesus. A special thank you to our President Sister Tracy Brown. She helped lead our discussions and organize our prayer hour in such a loving way.
This year the Women’s Ministry began a journey to love Jesus more. We leaned into Pastors teaching about Working on our Witness and laying down the weights that hinder us from Walking in Triumph. We are committed to being Disciples and being prepared to disciple others.
2019 Review:
- Talk to Me-Women’s Ministry: This year we embraced technology and began to utilize the online Bible App: Youversion. Using this app has allowed us to begin our discussions the week before we meet. We completed two plans. Made like Martha and the 8-part discipleship series Jesus I want to Love You. We have definitely grown in our Spiritual walk and have gotten to know each other better.
- Ladies night In: This shut in was a wonderful opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus and meditate on His word and His love which can never be taken away from us. Many of us stayed for the entire twelve hours. Lessons were taught from Luke 10:38-40, Sister Tracy was an excellent facilitator, Our Mothers set the atmosphere in the sanctuary by anointing and praying for each woman, The Millennials ( Sister Nadia & Sister Imani) ministered to us through relaxation techniques, encouraging word and an impromptu Q & A. The Holy Spirit’s peaceful presence was felt in Sister Darlene’s quiet room, Sister Aisha lead us into worship and enlightened us on what praise and worship is and Sister Theresa helped many of us stretch out of our comfort zones to praise God in the dance. It was a blessed time for both our members and our visitors.
- Mothers Board: Our Mother’s board continues to set the bar high for faithful service at our church. They do a wonderful job staffing the welcome desk. Tuesdays and Fridays noon hour prayer has gained a new conference prayer line: (605)313-4169 access code: 289576.
- Missionaries Board: Our Missionaries (B. Hicks, L. Hicks, S. Trice and M. Tyree) continue to be trustworthy instructors of the Word of God. Each is well prepared to teach and instruct here at our local church, the District and State.
- The Arts Ministries: Praise Dance- Our praise dance department experienced both bounty and famine concerning participants but through it all President Sister Theresa Cooke has remained committed to this Ministry. The team has been consistently represented every month throughout the year. Flag Ministry – This ministry was birthed this year by Sister Darlene Redic acknowledging that she has been called to glorify God through creative expression. In accordance with the vision for the Arts ministries these two teams have operated in a spirit of collaboration.
- S.A.L.T. (Singles Ministry) & G.G. (Genuine Gems): S.A.L.T. – Missionary Sonya Trice and her assistant Sister Nadia Gibbons have re-focus their objectives for this ministry. In line with Pastor’s teaching this year, there is a new mission with a new name: Singles Affirm Living Triumphantly. They will encourage and equip our single women to thrive during their single season. Genuine Gems- This Girls Bible fellowship club has been a great class but currently doesn’t meet the needs of our membership. It has been suspended until there is a need for it again.
2020 Goals: Our church’s vision is: If you Start right and you Grow Right you can Stay Right. The Women’s dept. is commented to providing ministry to help women apply this vision to their lives.
This year our focus scripture is- Luke 10:27 “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” NLT. We will focus on these five areas: Our Heart, Our Soul (emotions, personalities), Our Strength (Physical Health), Our Mind and Our relationships. Every woman is welcome to be involved in the Women’s Ministries. I’m Looking Forward to Growing in God with you! Love,
- Ladies night In: This year our shut-in went digital. Despite not being physically together we had wonderful participation from our women and several visitors as well; 98% of the ladies remained with us for the full twelve hours! Everyone who registered received a wonderful gift bag, filled with items to help enhance our quite time with the Lord. My teaching sessions were based on: Loving God with ALL my heart (Luke 10:27). Our scripture sessions were based on Proverbs 6:16-19; we had four outstanding teachers who taught with wisdom and originality. Our Arts/self-care instructors did a fantastic job of engaging and encouraging us. I am especially grateful for the way we were blessed by so many of our Sisters as they lead us throughout the night in powerful prayer sessions that helped connect us to each other and God. This shut in will forever be fondly held in my heart and mind.
- Mothers Board: Our Mothers board members lead by Mother Beatrice Hicks are like a knitting circle, each member faithfully works to create something beautiful, to be shared with others. They pray for our Church and its leaders; our Families, our Nation, our Communities, our health and each other. They praise God for his many blessings and help us to do the same. This year one of our Mothers left us for her Heavenly home: Mother Janie Stewart is truly missed; her wisdom, wit, prayers and her praise. I am honored that she chose to work in this vineyard and look forward to seeing her again. You can join our Mothers, every Tuesday and Friday at noon on the prayer line: (605)313-4169 access code: 289576.
- Missionaries Board: Our Missionaries (B. Hicks, L. Hicks, S. Trice and M. Tyree) Each are mature Sisters in Christ; they continue to serve our local church by teaching the word of God as requested and are actively involved in many of our small group ministries. Missionaries Tyree and Trice also maintain a license with our State Jurisdiction.
2022 Goals: Since our church’s vision is: If you Start right and you Grow Right you can Stay Right. I want us to improve our individual disciple-ing. We are a body of believers who need to be accountable and connected to each other (1 Thessalonians 5:11-13). . I’m Looking Forward to Growing in God with all of you! Love,