Connect with us in Cleveland Heights, Ohio
It is in the midst of Cleveland Heights’ thriving diverse community of social service organizations, educational and cultural, our goal at Start Right will be to meet the spiritual and physical needs of individuals in our community and point them to Jesus Christ
Start Right is a unique church, both in its organization and its dynamic spiritual leadership.
The secret of Start Right’s growth will be understanding the word of God and learning how to apply the word to our lives. Our emphasis will be on Starting right, Growing Right, and Staying right.
- At Start Right, the Kingdom of God is given first place. “…seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt. 6:33. Here each member is encouraged to find the strength for his life by experiencing the saving power of God for himself.
- At Start Right, the spiritual growth of each member is prayerfully considered. The fellowship of prayer reaches out to all of its members, from the youngest to the oldest.
- At Start Right, the teaching program is strongly emphasized and training will be provided locally for all members. The pastor teaches a class in discipleship to strengthen members in their knowledge of what we believe and why.
- At Start Right, the message of holiness is preached and taught. We preach that we should “follow peace with all men, and holiness without which, no man shall see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14. We preach that holiness must be an integral part of our daily lives at home, work, school, community, and church.
- At Start Right, we teach the Bible-supported means of support for the Church – tithes and offerings.
- At Start Right, we teach faith in God for healing, deliverance, salvation, Holy Ghost baptism, and keeping power. Mark 11:24. “…What things soever ye desire when you pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.”
- At Start Right, we teach that our partners do not just join the fellowship but are born into the Church by a spiritual birth. We also teach that people can be saved by confessing his sin, and believing in his heart that God has raised up Jesus from the dead, according to Romans 10:9,10.
- At Start Right, we instruct each new partner to seek to find their place in the church that God has a place for them to serve and they will never be fully happy until they find it.
- At Start Right, we teach that after one is saved, he/she automatically becomes a vessel for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, which is the promise of power to all. “For the promise is unto you and to your \ children and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Acts 2:39.
You have just made the most important commitment a person can make in life. As a result of receiving Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you have experienced what the Bible calls a new birth. In your physical life, you entered the world as a baby and then grew to maturity. The same is true in your spiritual experience. Now that you have experienced a spiritual birth, you need to grow into a mature follower of Jesus (read 1 Peter 2:2)*.
Just as an infant needs help to grow physically, a new believer needs help to grow spiritually. It is our desire to assist you in growing spiritually.
You will learn how to find bible scriptures that pertain to your daily problems and situations. You will also learn how to apply those scripture to your life, by calling those things that be not as though they were.
Beware: Satan will seek to halt your daily study. Ask God to give you the strength to continue and complete the study. You might want to pray a prayer like the one below:
“Dear God, I know I am going to need your help to understand what you are trying to teach me. I want to grow spiritually. Help me be faithful in seeking you. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”
In becoming a partner of The Start Right Church Of God in Christ (C.O.G.I.C.), you are not merely part of another organization; you are part of a moving, dynamic Christian fellowship. You now belong to the company of those who through the years have publicly confessed their allegiance to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. You are partner with your pastor in the all-important business of winning souls into the Kingdom. You are a member of the Body of Christ. As a partner of Start Right, you are expected to be faithful to the service, loyal to its program, and the Pastor. You are asked to give moral and financial support. You are expected to be obedient, humble, willing to take instructions, and above all to be Holy.